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Nutella Hot Chocolate

So it was late last night and I should have been asleep like everyone else in my house. Instead I was looking at some things on zaar when I came across this recipe that sounded so very good. But still, I needed to go to bed. But then I realized that the dog needed to go out one last time. And since I was going to be up anyway and we just got a package from a friend that included the Trader Joe's version of nutella..

Well, I went for it. At first I thought 3 tbsp. sounded like an awful lot but it mellowed beautifully in the skim milk (all I have in the house). To really put it over the top I added a squirt of whipped cream. It was lovely as I sat in a dark quiet house and enjoyed the solitude..

It is absolutely delicious and so simple to make. I love it even more because it isn't powdery, and it isn't oily. Lovely combination of hazelnut and hot chocolate.

Get the recipe here >> Nutella Hot Chocolate @


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